Monday, June 11, 2012

6.11.12 - Update

What's up everybody? I know my posts have been kind of "lacking" lately, and I apologize for that. Even though life has been really hectic lately, and I've been very busy, there were times when I'd just chill out and do nothing instead of keeping to my schedule. Yes, I do have a "fashion schedule"; it helps me keep up with my Blogger, Tumblr, YouTube, sewing, sketching, Facebook page, photos, and Polyvore. According to my schedule, I'm supposed to post on here at least three times a week (Monday: written post, Wednesday: inspiration and Song of the Week, Friday: written post), so I promise to try my hardest to keep to my schedule; it'll just make things easier for me.
OOTD (Outfit of the Day) posts usually take me a long time to do (photos and video), but now that I'm on summer vacation, I think I have enough time to regularly post OOTDs (at least one post every other week).
I want to focus on fashion this whole summer (learning its history, reading designer's biographies, practicing on my sewing and sketching, etc.) because I graduate in two years. I don't have much time left! If I want to follow my dreams of moving to New York City the same year I graduate and getting accepted into Parsons the New School for Design, I need to work hard and fast.
I recently had to drop out of sewing class for various reasons, so until I can resume my classes, I'm basically going to have to teach myself how to sew. It's going to require taking the initiative and showing self-discipline and motivation, but I know that if I work hard and stay focused, I can do it.
Well, wish me luck!

-Diane <3

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